Something is Brewing…

I seem to visit breweries, which is strange, considering I actually do not like beer too much.  Or in fact, at all.  But work obligations take me to them.

Yesterday I visited a particularly nice one called the Harpoon Brewery, located in the waterfront district of Boston.  That is the place I’d live if Allston suddenly dropped into the Charles.  Or more accurately, the rents there wouldn’t require that I work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  Oh well.

Anyway, breweries have their particular charms and the Harpoon Brewery is particularly charming, as it features freshly made pretzels and a well lit area to sample them in.  Their beer is quite good.  Well, I guess I’m not the one to make that judgement, as I mentioned, not a huge fan of beer.  But the pretzels were quite good.  A picture would have been included, had I not eaten it so quickly.

Breweries are also full of all kinds of mechanical whoisits and whatsits.  Yeah, here at Wrong Side of the Camera, we pride ourselves on our technical knowledge.  I know that the beer guide must have mentioned what exactly all of these things do, but I was honestly, a little too preoccupied with photographing them and getting the framing right.  If you are a beer expect, feel free to fill me in on exactly what all of this is:

boston harpoon brewery brew tank 3 boston harpoon brewery brew tank 2 boston harpoon brewery beer wall boston harpoon brewery brew tank

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